Look Up Free Maricopa County Arrest Records (Resource)

Free Maricopa County Arrest Records Search
Access Maricopa County Arrest Records: Recent jail records, prior arrests, mugshots, crimes committed, bail details, release date, probation information, police reports, court dates and more.

Check into Maricopa County arrest records conveniently and free of charge by using the tools in this resource.

Searchers can uncover valuable information about recent (and not-so-recent) arrests, prior convictions, court proceedings and much more. The Arizona Public Records Law establishes the rules that govern how information is released to the people, such as who’s entitled to it, what should always be readily available, how to access it, and more.

This brief article provides insight into the resources available to citizens and how to properly utilize them to see who’s been arrested in Maricopa County, Arizona.

How To Search Recent Maricopa County Arrest Records & Find Mugshots for Free

Information about recent arrests should always be readily available to the people. This is what the Arizona Public Records Law establishes.1

In compliance with the law, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office allows people to look at their jail roster and uncover information about the offender currently detained at their facility. They call their jail roster Mugshot Lookup.2

The Mugshot Lookup is a list of individuals recently booked in Maricopa County that’s updated frequently. This list shows, on its first page, the offender’s mugshot, date of booking, date of birth, and crime type they’ve committed.

Screenshot from Maricopa County Sheriff's Office's mugshot lookup page, displaying the offenders' information in table form, including the following from left to right: picture, booking number, first name, last name, date of birth, crime type, and booking date, with an option to view more details in the last column.
Source: Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office2

By clicking on the “View More” button next to the inmate’s name, it’s possible to access some details, such as information about the inmate’s physical appearance and the counts of the charges they’re being faced with.

There are 6 jail locations in Maricopa County where inmates may be kept. All of them can be contacted using the same phone number: 602.876.0322. These are their addresses for concerned citizens who wish to go to them in person:

4th Avenue Jail
201 S 4th Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 85003

512 Facility
2670 S 28th Dr.
Phoenix, AZ 85009

Estrella Jail
2939 W Durango Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85009

Lower Buckeye Jail
3250 W Lower Buckeye Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85009

Tower Jail
3127 E Gibson Lane
Phoenix, AZ 85009

Watkins Jail
2680 S 28th Dr.
Phoenix, AZ 85009

Another option available to citizens who desire to know more about inmate information is the Inmate Information Search provided by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.3

This resource allows individuals to search for inmates by booking number (when it’s known) or by name (which is likely an easier option). It’s mandatory to provide first and last names, as well as the offender’s birth date, in order to access any information on the Inmate Information System.

Screenshot of the inmate information search tool provided by the sheriff's office of Maricopa County, Arizona, with input fields for either booking number or first name, last name, and date of birth.
Source: Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office3

Using this tool, searchers can find out relevant information about the next court date for the inmate (including location), if a bond amount has been set, and more details regarding the crime that led to their arrest.

Despite which tool searchers choose to use, the Mugshot Lookup or the Inmate Information System, they can always contact the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office when any sort of clarification is needed. This is how they can do it:

Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
550 West Jackson 
Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Phone: 602.876.1000

As an alternative, people can also rely on the Phoenix Police Department for information and support whenever a case happens under their authority. They have different precincts all over the city that serve the neighborhood.4 People can contact the location that’s more convenient to them using the following information:

Precinct Address Phone number
Black Mountain 33355 N Cave Creek Road
Phoenix, Arizona 85331
Cactus Park 12220 N 39th Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85029
Central City 1902 S 16th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Desert Horizon 16030 N 56th St.
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Mountain View 2075 E Maryland Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Maryvale 618 W Encanto Blvd.
Phoenix, AZ 85035
South Mountain 400 W. Southern Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85041

In Maricopa County, victim services are provided by the sheriff’s office through an array of tools and resources. The department that operates that structure is known as the Victim Assistance and Notification Unit (VANU), and they can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone at 602.876.8276.5

The Phoenix Crime Victim Services also supports victims of crimes that happened in their jurisdiction. The best way to obtain help in that area is to contact the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office. Victims can access help by completing an online form or contacting the Attorney’s Office directly between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.6

This is their information:

Maricopa County Attorney’s Office
Victim Services Division
225 W Madison St
Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Victim Services: 602.506.8522
Victim Compensation: 602.506.4955

The Arizona Department of Corrections also offers plenty of resources to victims, regardless of which county is handling (or handled in the past) their criminal case. People can contact the Office of Victims Services using the following information:

Arizona Department of Corrections
Office of Victims Services
701 E Jefferson St
Phoenix, AZ 85034

Phone: 602.542.1953 or 866.787.7233
Email: azvictims@azcorrections.gov

Also, victims can register with VINElink and ensure they’re always well informed about their case and their perpetrator’s status.

If information about an offender is found but indicates that they have a prior conviction or a longer crime history, it may become necessary to keep searching for information. Let’s take a look at the tool available to concerned citizens when that’s the case.

How To Access Prior Arrest & Offense Information in Maricopa County Arizona

In Maricopa County, criminal cases are handled by the Superior Court. They offer a valuable tool for concerned citizens to search for case records: the Criminal Court Case Information System.7

They allow individuals to run searches using one of the following criteria:

  • Court Case Number
  • Party’s First & Last Name
  • Party’s Initials (First & Last)
  • Date of Birth

Results will show, initially, only the offender’s full name, date of birth and court case number. System users can click on the case number and be redirected to the details page, where more information can be uncovered.

This page includes all the facts about the case’s court proceedings, including the sentence and the individual’s current status.

A screenshot of a criminal case detail from the database held by the Judicial Branch of Arizona, Maricopa County, displays three out of the five sections: case information, including case type and location; party information, including party name, relationship, sex, attorney, judge, and case number; and disposition information, such as party name, description, disposition code, crime date, ARS code, disposition, and date of event.
Source: The Judicial Branch of Arizona, Maricopa County8

After a case is found, in some instances, it’s necessary to request copies. The Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Courts assists those who need to request copies of documents.

It’s possible to place a request online or work with the Clerk of Superior Courts in person at one of their offices.9

There are four available addresses for the Maricopa County Clerk of the Superior Court:

Customer Service Center
601 W Jackson
Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Phone: 602.372.5375
Email: coccustomerrelations@maricopa.gov

Northwest Regional Court Center
14264 W Tierra Buena Ln.
Surprise, Arizona 85374

Southeast Court Complex
222 E Javelina Ave.
Mesa, Arizona 85210

Northeast Regional Court Center
18380 N 40th Street – Ste. 120
Phoenix, AZ 85032

All of those offices can be visited Monday through Friday, between 8 am and 5 pm. The offices close on observed holidays. Copies cost $0.50 per page, and the certification (when needed) costs $30 per document (including only one seal).

If orders are made online, a $7 postage and handling may apply.

Another tool that’s available to searchers is the Inmate Data Search provided by the Arizona Department of Corrections.10 This system allows individuals to run searches by name (last name and first initial). They can also narrow their search by gender and status (active or inactive, supervised or absconder).

Since the search is done using only a person’s initials, it’s quite likely that there will be plenty of results to go over. The list of matches will show the last and first name, inmate number, and date of admission. It’ll also include a mugshot to facilitate the recognition.

Screenshot from Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry's inmate search tool, displaying the input fields for first name and last name, the options for gender and current status, and the results in table form, containing the following details: inmate number, photo, last name, first name, middle initial, and admission date.
Source: Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry10

By clicking on the inmate’s number, it’s possible to see relevant information about them and their current situation: facts about their physical appearance, their sentence, whether they participate in any rehabilitation programs, and more.

For prior arrest records in the City of Phoenix, searchers may be able to obtain these records through the City Police Department. Follow the process provided above, as well as the other alternative ways to obtain these records.

If any support is needed, concerned searchers can contact the Arizona Department of Corrections using the information below:

Arizona Department of Corrections
701 E Jefferson St
Phoenix, AZ 85034

Phone: 602.542.5497

Last, but not least, the Arizona Judicial Branch also provides an efficient tool for people to search for information about court cases. This search engine isn’t limited to Maricopa County and, therefore, can help bring valuable information about cases outside of this county to light.

The Public Access to Court Information System allows people to search by name (and having only last names will lead to results).11 It’s possible to select one court to be searched if the location where the case was tried is known, but it’s not mandatory. Results will show a list of matches, and by clicking on the case of interest, people can see plenty of details about it.

When a case is found, users also discover which court handled it. If it becomes necessary to contact that clerk’s office, people can use the AZ Courts Locator. People can also contact the Arizona Supreme Court using the information below:

Arizona Supreme Court
1501 W Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007

Phone: 602.452.3500

When an inmate is found, it may be the wish of the searcher to bail them out of jail. Let’s take a look at how to accomplish that in Maricopa County.

How To Pay Bail After an Arrest in Maricopa County

There are two ways to post bail in Maricopa County. For individuals who choose to self-bail, payments must be made to the Maricopa County Clerk’s Office.12 They accept cash, wire transfers, and cashier checks as a form of payment.

It’s important to bear in mind that people who choose to self-bail must pay their bond in full. In particular, if wiring the money is the chosen form of payment, it’s mandatory to download a wire form from the website. After completing it, payers must send the form to trustresponse@mail.maricopa.gov.

Wires that aren’t paired with a completed form will be rejected.

If the bond is paid before 4:30 pm, the Sheriff’s Office is notified on the same day so they can start the process of releasing the inmate. For payments made after 4:30 pm, the Sheriff’s Office is notified on the following day, which might slightly delay the inmate’s release.

Individuals who choose to work with a bondsman agency go through a different process. First, because they don’t have to pay the bail amount in full – they only pay 10 to 15% of the total amount but also because authorized agencies can post bond 24 hours a day at the 4th Avenue Jail.

Reach out to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office at the address and contact information provided below:

Maricopa Sheriff’s Office
4th Avenue Jail
201 S 4th Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Phone: 602.876.0322

Anyone looking to post bail must know and provide the authorities with the inmate’s full name, booking number and date of birth. Also, any questions about this matter must be addressed with the team at the 4th Avenue Jail.

Accessing relevant information allows citizens to be properly informed about the circumstances around them, educating them on the options they have and allowing for a reasonable, sensible decision to be made.

Anyone interested can check out Maricopa County arrest records whenever someone they care about might be in trouble; the uncovered information will help them deal with the challenges at hand in the most efficient way possible.


1Arizona State Senate. (2022, December 6). Arizona’s Public Records Laws. Retrieved April 10, 2024, from <https://www.azleg.gov/Briefs/Senate/PUBLIC%20RECORDS%20LAWS%202022.PDF>

2Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. (2024). Mugshot Lookup. Retrieved April 10, 2024, from <https://www.mcso.org/i-want-to/mugshot-lookup>

3Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. (n.d.). Inmate Information. Retrieved April 10, 2024, from <https://www.mcso.org/custody-bureau-information/inmate-information>

4Phoenix Police Department. (n.d.). Which Police Precinct Serves My Address?. Retrieved April 10, 2024, from <https://www.phoenix.gov/police/precincts>

5Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. (n.d.). Victim Services. Retrieved April 10, 2024, from <https://www.mcso.org/community/victim-services-copy-1206>

6Maricopa County Attorney’s Office. (n.d.). Form Center – Victim Services Division Contact Form. Retrieved April 10, 2024, from <https://www.maricopacountyattorney.org/FormCenter/Contact-Us-4/Victim-Services-Division-Contact-Form-44>

7The Judicial Branch of Arizona, Maricopa County. (n.d.). Criminal Court Case Information. Retrieved April 10, 2024, from <https://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/docket/CriminalCourtCases/caseSearch.asp>

8The Judicial Branch of Arizona, Maricopa County. (n.d.). Criminal Court Case Information – Case History. Retrieved April 10, 2024, from <https://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/docket/CriminalCourtCases/caseInfo.asp?caseNumber=CR2000-017215>

9Maricopa County Clerk of the Superior Court. (n.d.). Office Locations and Hours. Retrieved April 10, 2024, from <https://www.clerkofcourt.maricopa.gov/about/office-hours-locations/-selcat-21#facilityCats_139_239_130>

10Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry. (2024). Inmate Data Search. Retrieved April 10, 2024, from <https://corrections.az.gov/inmate-data-search>

11Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry. (n.d.). ADCRR Prisons. Retrieved April 10, 2024, from <https://corrections.az.gov/adcrr-prisons>

12Maricopa County Clerk of the Superior Court. (n.d.). Trust/Bond Matters. Retrieved April 10, 2024, from <https://www.clerkofcourt.maricopa.gov/services/trust-bond-matters>